Friday, August 30, 2013

A Few More

A few images that didn't make it onto Wednesday's slideshow may be of interest. Enjoy!

Matthew Mahler, O M G #2 [oh my god], 2013, acrylic and dye on canvas, 40 x 44 inches

DeShawn Dumas, The Meek Shall Inherit the Earth (as they are buried beneath it), 2013, pages from the book of Revelation, Genesis and Matthew 5:5, vinyl, tar, tulle flour, aluminum over canvas, 87 x 87 inches 


DeShawn Dumas, Unity of the Spectacle (whatever is good will surely appear, therefore, all that appears is good)2013, galvanized steel, vinyl, Starbucks coffee grinds, memos discussing the Trans-pacific partnership downloaded from over canvas, 89 x 89 inches 

Lauren Clay, Moan about the present, venerate the past, 2010, acrylic, paper, paper mache, wood, 
23 x 19 x 5 inches (via

Lauren Clay, Synchronicity spoken here (purple monochrome with junk in the trunk/ L.H.O.O.Q. with maxi stripes), 2009, acrylic, paper, paper mache, plastic, foam, 56 x 24 x 5 inches


  1. I was glancing at DeShawn Dumas last night...and imagined these works were small...I am interested to discover the large scale.
